An RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) outbreak has been declared at Hopetoun Aged Care.
Our team is working with the Grampians Public Health Unit to manage this outbreak, and request that all visitors wear N95 masks and/or complete a RAT test.
If you are showing symptoms of acute respiratory infection, please stay at home or seek medical assistance if symptoms are severe.
Symptoms of RSV include:
• fever
• runny nose
• headache
• sneezing
• coughing
• wheezing.
RSV can affect anyone, and symptoms usually mild. However, babies less than 6 months of age are at the greatest risk for severe illness.
People with co-morbidities that lower their immunity, adults over 65 years old and Aboriginal people also have a greater risk of serious illness.
To help prevent the spread of RSV:
• Practice good hand hygiene by regularly washing your hands with soap and water or using hand sanitiser.
• Practice good personal hygiene which includes covering your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, wearing a mask when leaving the home and avoiding close contact with others.
• Keep infected people away from others until they recover, particularly those at higher risk (babies, infants, children and older adults).
• Clean surfaces and items that may be contaminated with a detergent that can kill viruses.
We thank you for your cooperation.