Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Dr Tarun Weeramanthri has advised that the Victorian Department of Health continues to receive notifications of cases of lead poisoning caused by the ingestion of imported Ayurvedic medicines that are contaminated with lead.
Some were also found to be contaminated with other heavy metals such as mercury and arsenic.
The Department of Health has also been informed that some medicines for sale in grocery stores in Victoria contain ingredients – including lead – that are scheduled poisons. Some of these ingredients are prohibited for supply and use in Australia because they pose a danger to human health.
An ‘AUST R’ or ‘AUST L’ number on the packaging of products indicates that they are safe and can be legally supplied in Australia.
Ayurvedic medicines purchased or imported from overseas or purchased in Victoria where the product does not have this number may risk your health.
The Victorian Department of Health recommends that people immediately stop consuming Ayurvedic medicines without an ‘AUST R’ or ‘AUST L’ on the packaging.
Find out more here.